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tv   Good Morning Tri- State 6am  ABC  January 21, 2016 6:00am-7:00am EST

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nero.i'm chris riva.the snow and ice has had a chance to harden overnight with temperatures dropping again. again.let's see what that means for today with 9 first warning meteorologist jennifer ketchmark and ally kraemer in traffic. while it's a quiet morning for the tri-state, we are tracking another chance for snow coming for friday. in a nutshell, it looks on the light side for greater cincinnati, but a significant snow for northern kentucky and brown and adams counties in ohio. for thursday, skies will be mostly
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cincinnati road crews have been working overnight... and tell us they have all the primary roads cleared this morning.while some side roads are clear... some haven't been touched. touched.lets go live to nine of your side's jordan burgess ...travelling through
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the tri-state isn't alone ... the east coast is bracing for what could be the season's first massive dig out. this is video from washington d-c... where just a couple of inches cased a mess.even president obama had to change plans becasue of the road conditions there. people are already stocking up... as meteorologists are calling it a potentially historic blizzard -- that may bring up to 2-feet of snow this weekend on parts of the east coast. if the forecast stays on track.. philadelphia, new york.. boston and d-c will be hit the hardest.the major airlines are watching things closely ...but have not started canceling flights.
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but they're letting passengers make changes before the storm. 9 on your side's timyka artist is live with how the winter storm has airlines changing policy. they're doing this not only here at cvg, but at most major airports in the line of this storm if you're traveling through weekend, this could save you hundreds of dollars.american, delta and united is going to allow you to change flights, without paying the event that your flight gets cancelled or delayed delta is not only waiving those ticket change fees, but they are offering full discounts to passengers whose flights are cancelled or significantly delayed. these waivers only apply to folks traveling into, from or through cities impacted by snowstorm..ex pected to much of the east coast fri into saturday those of you who are driving can also expect big delays, especially if this storm hits during rush hour 9 on your side will be monitoring conditions here at the airport and the roads, keeping you
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as jennifer told us the forecast keeps changing...nine on our side is working to help you prepare for the next bout of winter weather. stay with us from your 9 first warning for how much snow we'll see... we'll also have any delays or closings... on air.. on wcpo dot com.. and on our mobile app. people who had a little scare last night during a flight are back home safe in the tri- state this morning.we're told a delta flight headed for cvg had to make an emergency landing in was because of a mechanical issue. no one was hurt... and everyone was able to flying home late last night. the mother accused of watching
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her boyfriend kill her daughter is back in court today...just days after she testifed in front of a grand jury. jury.kinsley kinner was two when police say bradley young beat her and rebekah kinner, watched. kinner testifed before a butler county grand kyle rapier says kinner wants justice for her daughter and is not concerned about saving herself. kyle rapier: kinner's attorney 22:51 "it's stressful. that's the biggest concern that i have right now. i have intentionally not gone through any of the evidence with her. i don't want to upset her in any way. i told her to concentrate and remain calm to get through this birth and then we are going to start going over the evidence. 09 09kinner, who is pregnant with a child due in february, is due in court with young this afternoon.her attorney says she'll issue a statement soon about the charges. one of butler county's highest profile homicides returns to court today. getting answers... where a former drug executive who raised prices 5- thousand percent will be
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clinton emails... the new inofrmation on just what was there... and how one top official says it is bigger than originially thought. while it's a quiet morning for the tri-state, we are tracking another chance for snow coming for friday. in a nutshell, it looks on the light side for greater cincinnati, but a significant snow for northern kentucky and brown and adams counties in ohio. for thursday, skies will be mostly
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this morning the four men charges in a deadly west chester shooting are expected back in court. court. police say it all started with a robbery. justin, koch, demarcus staley, jibril willingham, and rodney foster are all charged with killing tyler kassow. investigators say two of the men forced themselves into kassow's home, the other two men waited inside the getaway car. the man some call "the most hated man in america" is headed to capitol lawmakers have subpoenaed former turing pharmaceuticals c-e-o martin shkreli.a house committee is investigating several companies for massive drug price increase... and shkreli has been chastized for increasing a life-saving drug used by h-i-v patients and others by 5-thousand percent!
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he is also facing securities fraud charges. a top government official says hillary clinton's private email server -- contained information from some of the most secretive programs in the u-s! u-s!two government agencies looking at the account found emails with intelligence on programs considered above "top secret" in classification.a spokesperson for clinton says some emails marked as classified could be forwarded news articles. the obama administration is expected to announce as early as today -- new visa requirements for european travelers --- who are dual nationals of .... or have visited iran, iraq, sudan or syria in the last five years. it's meant to make it harder for those who have fought for isis to get into the u-s. ohio's attorney general is calling an emergency meeting this morning... the issue so pressing he says it has to happen today. today.helping out... some kentucky teens went above and beyond... what they decided to do instead of playing video games on their snow day.
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nfl first... what the first woman to coach in the nfl will be doing. while it's a quiet morning for the tri-state, we are tracking another chance for snow coming for friday. in a nutshell, it looks on the light side for greater cincinnati, but a significant snow for northern kentucky and brown and adams counties in ohio. for
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gmts anim"you're watching good morning tri-state at 6 on 9 on your side!" nine on your side will be there this morning as ohio's attorney general holds an emergency meeting to discuss how to fight the state's growing drug problem. problem.specifically... opiate addiction.things like heroin and certain prescription drugs. mike dewine says they'll discuss everything from
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treating overdoses to reporting abuse..we'll have more later today on nine on your side. this morning... a former marcos pizza worker accused of giving herself some pretty big tips will be in court.police say tiffany trout charged multiple large tips on customers' creidt cards without permission.police say the charges added up to more than 13-hundred dollars.trout is accused of doing this for several months before she was caught. some kentucky teens didn't just use their snow day yesterday to sit around an play video games.instead... they posted on facebook that they'd help out anyone who needed it ...and people in hardin county took them up on it ...they ended up jumping car batteries, shoveling snow and pulling out stuck cars. "people always get stuck and sometimes they don't have a do it. " "the three boys did all that
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let get your latest nine first warning forecast. we will start our thursday forecast with mostly cloudy skies and temperatures in the teens. rural and side roads are still slick but most interstates are snow free for your morning rush. highs increase to the mid to upper 20s. clouds continue to build tonight, so overcast conditions are expected with a low of 200f. light snow will begin friday morning in our very southern counties across northern kentucky. that's where we could have our first issues on the roads. snow spreads to the north during the day, coming into cincinnati mainly after noon. snow will turn widespread friday afternoon with more intense snow and this also continues into the evening rush. roads will be hazardous for the friday evening rush area wide. snow tapers off heading into saturday morning.
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it appears a moderate snow of a 2"-4" variety would be the case for greater cincinnati and points north of town, and a more healthy 4-6"+ snowfall is on track for northern kentucky and brown and adams counties in ohio. a winter storm watch has been issued for two counties in southwest ohio & a larger portion of northern kentucky beginning late thursday night through saturday morning. morning rush mostly cloudy skiesstill cold low: 15 thursday some sunshine mostly cloudyhigh: 27 thursday night clouds increasenot as coldlow: 24 friday snow likely heaviest in afternoon/evening high: 30 friday night light snow continuesonly minor
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tonight u-c is back home against memphis.the bearcats are hoping to bounce back from saturday's loss against temple. it's a first this morning for the n-f-l. n-f-l.the buffalo bills have hired the first female n-f-l coach. coach.kathryn smith is the new special teams "quality control" coach. she's the first woman on any n-f-l team's coaching staff. head coach rex ryan said smith has worked for him on a part-
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yeah - the bengals are done - but there is at least one local player to cheer for this weekend in the n-f-l playoffs ...panthers star linebacker ... and former defensive player of the year - luke kuechley ... he had this interception return for a touchdown against seattle last week. oscar controversy... the debate about the lack of diversity is growing... and now one of hollywood's biggest stars is speaking out... what will smith told robin roberts about the scandal. while it's a quiet morning for the tri-state, we are tracking another chance for snow coming for friday. in a nutshell, it looks on the light side for greater cincinnati, but a significant snow for northern kentucky and brown and adams counties in ohio. for thursday, skies will be mostly
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ararare company should treat you like family... [phone rings] operator: health care customer service caller: hi this is patricia ramirez. operator: oh, patricia! colleague: i love patricia! colleague 2: when is she getting marr ied? operator: it's about time, lady! this is the real question: how's that man you're dating? where's the ring? ...we mean more like this. operator: we can do this together. i'll schedule an appointment with the diabetes specialist, ok? member: thank you. you deserve compassion. you deserve
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molina healthcare, your extended family. medicaid. medicare. marketplace. for more information, call (877) 751-6720 arar warning ignored... the new revelation about the deadly
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shooting of an ohio police officer. hear from his famiyl coming up. taking a look outside from our balcony camera.the skies - and many of the roads - are clear right now. now..but there's another snow system headed our way.lets get straight to 9 first warning meterologist, jennifer ketchmark for more. while it's a quiet morning for the tri-state, we are tracking another chance for snow coming for friday. in a nutshell, it looks on the light side for greater cincinnati, but a significant snow for northern kentucky and brown and adams counties in ohio. for
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happening today.talks of a
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street car in northern kentucky.leaders from across northern kentucky will meet at the madison events center in covington.they'll be talking about possibly expaning cincinnati's streetcar across the river.there's talks of adding the same system to northern kentucky.9 on your side wil be at today's meeting and have more for you later. firefighters in clermont county brave the cold to rescue a horse that got stuck in a frozen creek.goshen township firefighters posted a photo of the rescue on their twitter feed last night. they say "cinnamon" got stuck in a creek that was about one - foot deep.firefighters say she was weak when she was finally free of the ice.. but was able to walk back to her barn. breaking news... an iraqi police commander says two powerful shiite militia leaders are the top suspects in the abduction of three americans there. the police commander says "nobody can do anything in that neighborhood without the approval of those militias." u-s officials lost contact with the civilians
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breaking news... a british judge says russian president vladimir putin probably approved a plan to kill a former agent.the former russian agent was given tea laced with a drug at a london hotel back in 2006.the report on the incident just released this morning.the agent had been a vocal critic of putin since he fled russia six years earlier. a parole officer is on administrative leave this morning.this is the latest development in the deadly officer shooting in danville. the parole officer was assigned to shooting suspect, hershel jones the third.police say jones shot and killed danville police officer thomas cottrell on sunday night..this morning officer tom cottrell's first time. he was always there when i
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real father figure... :03 :03the suspect's sister told police yesterday that she called jone's parole officer a week before the shooting to tell him her brother was spiraling....this morning there's an investigation underway as to why that call was not taken seriously. meanwhile, officer cottrell's partner missing the man she called her best friend. we had plans...we were going to grow old together. together.officer cottrell's funeral is saturday in columbus.officers from across the country will be there to pay tribute. this morning robin roberts has an exclusive inteview with actor will smith.he's talking about the growing controversy over this year's oscar nominations... many stars have already said they're going to boycott the ceremony. for the second year in a row... all the nominees for the acting awards are white. some now want awards host chris rock to boycott the event. and then the industry reflects
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of challenges that we are having in our country at the moment. the president of the academy says they are now working to change the board that selects the nominees. you can see all of robin roberts exclusive interview this morning after good morning america. a push for one state to increase the minimum long it would take to get to the desired wage. wage.and an increase in pay for one major retailer is already in the many "b"illions executives say this important. while it's a quiet morning for another chance for snow coming for friday. in a nutshell, it looks on the light side for significant snow for northern kentucky and brown and adams counties in ohio. for thursday, skies will be mostly cloudy
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a new bill has been proposed in kentucky to increase kentucky's minimum speaker, greg stumbo, filed the paperwork yesterday. would be the first increase in seven years. if it passes it would increase minumum wage in three steps. each less than a dollar a year from the current 7-25 an hour now to 10-10 in 20-18.nearly 400 thousand kentuckians earn now.
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they just closed hundreds of stores...but this morning walmart executives say they're giving their employees more money.the company is increasing the hourly pay to ten dollars an hour - starting next will also give any full-time workers short-term disability - plus paid time off.the entire thing is expected to cost two *billion dollars - but walmart execs say they are fully dedicated to their employees. kentucky's attorney general could soon join the fight against human trafficking in the state. attorney general andy beshear says kentucky has some of the nation's strongest laws against human trafficking... but he says only about 10 percent of child trafficking cases reported to the state have resulted in criminal investigations.the bill just passed by the house would let the a-g's office join those investigations. there's not much time left to get your ticket for this years moveable feast and silent auction. auction.the annual event happens this friday night.and at a last check there were less than 100 tickets of the unique items you can bid on this year-a group of
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ccm students will write an original 1 to 2 minute piece of music expressly for you. head to our website wcpo dot com for more's in the seen on 9 section. the trash talking has started between the broncos and the patriots. patriots.the teams face-off in the a-f-c championship in denver. denver.the broncos are questioning tom brady's toughness.calling him a cry baby!the say brady goes whining to the refs after every play.the new york post had a little fun with the drama.putting tom's face on a baby's body on the front page of the sports section.brady shrugged off the comments, saying he doesn't remember most of the conversations he has with refs. while it's a quiet morning for the tri-state, we are tracking another chance for snow coming for friday. in a nutshell, it looks on the light side for greater significant snow for northern kentucky adams counties in ohio. for
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now let's check in with your nine first warning weather. we will start our thursday forecast with mostly cloudy skies and temperatures in the teens. rural and side roads are still slick but most interstates are snow free for your morning rush. highs increase to the mid to upper 20s. clouds continue to build tonight, so overcast conditions are expected with a low of 200f. light snow will begin friday morning in our very southern counties across
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where we could have our first issues on the roads. snow spreads to the north during the day, coming into cincinnati mainly after noon. snow will turn widespread friday afternoon with more intense snow and this also continues into the evening rush. roads will be hazardous for the friday evening rush area wide. snow tapers off heading into saturday morning. it appears a moderate snow of a 2"-4" variety would be the case for greater cincinnati and points north of town, and a more healthy 4-6"+ snowfall is on track for northern kentucky and brown and adams counties in ohio. a winter storm watch has been issued for two counties in southwest ohio & a larger portion of northern kentucky beginning late thursday night through saturday morning. morning rush mostly cloudy skiesstill cold low: 15 thursday some sunshine mostly cloudyhigh: 27 thursday night clouds increasenot as coldlow: 24 friday snow likely heaviest in afternoon/evening high: 30 friday night light snow continuesonly minor accumulations after midnight
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an artist is using the cold weather to his advantage. advantage.he's creating sculptures out of frozen pants.'s a sample of his artwork.this is minneapolis artist, tom grotting's, family of pants.he dips them in a bucket of water then lets them hang in the cold temperatures ...then puts them out on the lawn. lawn.he says he does it mostly to entertain his neighbors. it's starting to catch on...dozens of pants have been spotted frozen outside homes
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lately online. our team of meterologist are on your side with the latest snowfall totals for tomorrow's storm.they'll be back after the break. break.also in your 9 minutes of non-stop news...with that storm expected to cripple the east coast, some airlines are working ahead here in the tri-state trying to prevent
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it's time for 9 minutes of non-stop news... and we're out checking the roads this morning... making sure everything is clear so you don't have any problems like yesterday. yesterday.but first we have to talk about the snow system bearing down on us on tomorrow. nine first warning meteorologists jennifer ketchmark and jason adams are tracking what's headed our way. we will start our thursday forecast with mostly cloudy skies and temperatures in the teens. rural and side roads are still slick but most interstates are snow free for your morning rush. highs increase to the mid to upper 20s. clouds continue to build tonight, so overcast
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conditions are expected with a low of 200f. light snow will begin friday morning in our very southern counties across
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this morning we seem to be in much better shape on the roads... but don't get too over confident out there... we are still seeing a few slick spots. spots.nine on your side's jordan burgess is out checking those side roads for any potential problems. the nation's capitol is a mess... here's a live look behind me right now.bumper to bumper traffic.this stems from last night's traffic problems due to a small amount of snow. and the bad news is that the east coast is supposed to get
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feet this weekend. the nation's capitol is a mess... here's a live look behind me right now.bumper to bumper traffic.this stems from last night's traffic problems due to a small amount of snow. and the bad news is that the east coast is supposed to get even more snow... possible two feet this weekend. with that and the snow we could see here... the airlines are working to make a big change in policy.nine on your side's timyka artist is live at cvg with the big decision. major airlines making sure all of their passengers are top priority during this storm which cause major problems
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across the east coast folks whose flights are cancelled or delayed united and american are waiving their change flight fees if you have to rebook. they are only doing this through the weekend, and only for flights directly impacted by the storms. hard to say which flights and how many could be impacted by all of these. right now. 9 on your side will be monitoring delays not just here at cvg but out on the roads as well. for the very latest info log onto our website ast as jennifer told us the forecast keeps changing...nine on our side is working to help you prepare for the next bout of winter weather. stay with us from your 9 first warning for how much snow we'll see... we'll also have any delays or closings... on air.. on wcpo dot com.. and on our mobile app.
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today northern kentucky leaders will be discussing possibly adding a streetcar in covington.there is a meeting set today.cincinnati leaders and streetcar executives are expected to take part as well. we'll be there... and tell you if they think it is a real possibilty another tri-state town could get a streetcar. this weekend hundreds of thousands of kids will mark the end of an era for the s- a-t exam... exam...with the *final run of the current march a *new version of the test will debut - focusing more on what kids learn in the classroom... and how they analyze that information.test makers are also *throwing out the penalty for guessing - and making the essay optional. happening award nominated actor jesse eisenberg will be in town -- not for a movie premiere, but to sign copies of his book... book..."bream gives me hiccups" is his first book. tonight at 7 o'clock he'l. be
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madison road.eisenberg has been a contributor for the new yorker for years.most of you might know him from the movie, the social network, and he's in the upcoming batman versus superman movie. this morning the dow futures are down... and it is not looking good for investors coming off yesterday's big losses.the dow lost 391 points during the sell off.sometimes overseas market can help predict what might happen on wall street... overnight the european stocks were up... but the asian markets continued to fall. breaking news... an iraqi police commander says two powerful shiite militia leaders are the top suspects in the abduction of three americans there. the police commander says "nobody can do anything in that neighborhood without the approval of those militias." u-s officials lost contact with the civilians there this past weekend. now let's get another check of the roads. has your nine first warning traffic.
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here's a live look outside this morning... here is another look at your forecast. ( gives 7-day forecast) that's good morning tri-state
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